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The Ultimate Resource for Christian Owned Businesses in Your Area - Get Featured!

Place Your Order:

It’s easy to place your order and be featured in any of our directories at any time.  To get started, follow our easy instructions:

Call or text Rich Golden at 215-816-8998 (or) email to

View current pricing plans for ad size description and cost – click here
Choose your ad book and make a payment for the amount agreed.

– Email your pdf document, tif, or jpg image files appropriate for print.
– Image files should be IBM compatible with 600 dpi or higher resolution
– Please avoid overcrowded ads.
– Make an appointment in person to help eliminate potential problems.

Easy Payment Options:

  • Venmo @Richard-Golden-9

  • PayPal  –

We also offer secure payments online through PayPal. You will receive a PayPal receipt to the email that you enter for the amount paid.

No matter which option, we’ll contact you promptly and gather all details needed to complete your order.  Thanks in advance for your business!